Exhibition changes at Museum of Brisbane:
Gallery 2 will be closed until 2 April 2025 for an exciting new exhibition change;
Quiet Afternoons will now start at 3pm (instead of 2pm) on Tuesdays from this week until 2 April 2025.
Thanks for your understanding, and we look forward to welcoming you soon! To find out more about our visiting hours, click here.




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MoB Sunday Stories: Falling in Love from a Dizzying Height

Are those wedding bells that we hear? No, it’s just the Clock Tower bells. For almost a century the iconic structure has been a romantic destination for tourists and Brisbane locals alike. From first dates to 40th wedding anniversaries, we asked our team to recall some of their favourite memories of people falling in love at Museum of Brisbane.

A Young Couple Explores The Clock Tower 1966. Courtesy Brisbane City Council.

Tammy | Visitor Experience Team

I took up a young couple a month ago and they had booked the last session of the day in hopes of capturing a sunset for their anniversary, however, there was a twist, he had no idea that she had planned any of this. She had blindfolded her partner until they had reached MoB on level 3 as their first stop on an evening out on the town. He had no clue where they were until I called them over for their appointment. He had so many questions about the place and was very surprised indeed. They kissed at the top and because they were the last tour of the day, we stayed on level 8 until the bells rang. It was very cute.

Brian | Visitor Experience Team

Many, many years ago there was once a lovely Italian man who worked as our lift driver. Being a popular romantic spot, engagements are wonderfully frequent at the top of the Clock Tower (talk about hearing wedding bells). Whenever an engagement would occur, this romantically minded lift driver would serenade the happy couple with an Italian love song to celebrate the occasion. While we don’t know if all of those marriages stood the test of time, he certainly would have left a lasting impression on the couple.

View of Brisbane towards Story Bridge from City Hall Clock Tower. 1952. Courtesy Brisbane City Council

Rachel | Marketing

I had my first ever date at the Clock Tower when I was fifteen years old. The young man was very anxious and offered to meet me at King George Square. Unsure of what to do on a limited budget, (we were teenagers after all) we decided to head up the Clock Tower to get a look at the city. After realising very quickly that we had absolutely nothing in common, our conversation ran out somewhere between lining up for our tour and when the grills on the elevator closed. As we shot up the Clock Tower, I was grateful for the operator’s lively tour which filled the awkward silence. Arriving at the observation deck I was blown away by the panoramic views of Brisbane City, and could not believe how beautiful it looked from that great height. While the date was a bit of a disaster, it was the beginning of my great love affair with our city and Museum of Brisbane.

Erola | Visitor Experience Team

There are lots of stories and memories from the Clock Tower but one that stands out for me is a lovely couple who have been married for over 20 years. They have five beautiful children, but every year on their anniversary they treat themselves to a kid-free day and come into the city for a date, which always includes a trip up the Clock Tower. It is really special for us to be able to be a part of people’s traditions.

Want to add your story to the collection? Book your free Clock Tower Tour here.

Clock Tower Restoration 1981. Courtesy Brisbane City Council.
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