



MoB Learn inspires curiosity and creativity for students of all ages with up-to-date curriculum-aligned excursions, incursions and tailored programs.

Learn Booking Enquiry Form

Museum of Brisbane welcomes primary and secondary school groups Monday to Friday from 10am-5pm. We can also bring our programs directly to you during your school’s regular hours.

To make a booking enquiry, please fill out the form. Once you have made an enquiry, you will receive confirmation from the Learn team, who will schedule your excursion or incursion.

Learn Assist

Schools are encouraged to indicate their eligibility for Learn Assist during the booking process.

Want to find out more about Learn Assist? Click here.

Have a question?

Contact us via email learn@museumofbrisbane.com.au or phone 3339 0800.

MoB Learn Booking Form