



MoB Learn inspires curiosity and creativity for students of all ages with up-to-date curriculum-aligned excursions, incursions and tailored programs.
Primary School

Brisbane in a Suitcase

An incursion where students will get hands-on with objects that demonstrate Brisbane’s development.

We are packing our suitcases and travelling to your classroom to take students on a journey back in time. During this incursion, students will examine how technological developments have changed daily life in Brisbane.

With a magnifying glass in hand, students will step into the role of a Museum Curator as they investigate original objects and photographs from the past and present.


Workshop (1 hour)
This facilitated workshop allows students to handle and investigate objects from Brisbane’s past. They will gain an understanding of how technological developments have impacted toys, transport and household objects. All delivered in your classroom by our team of Museum Educators.

  • Audience

    Foundation – Grade 3

  • Curriculum Areas

    Humanities and Social Sciences, Visual Arts and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures Cross Curriculum Priority

  • Fees

    Incursion (30 students)
    $245 per group

    Supervising adults

    *all fees are GST inclusive.

    Learn Assist
    We offer subsidised transport and workshop fees for this program through Learn Assist. Find out if your school is eligible here.

  • Duration

    1 hour

Plan a memorable learning experience

Plan your Learn excursion
Information for teachers and students visiting Museum of Brisbane, including how to get here and what to expect.
Learn Assist
Find out if your school is eligible for subsidised transport and workshop fees through Learn Assist.
Make a booking enquiry
Bookings are essential for excursions and incursions. Make a booking enquiry today!