2020 marks one hundred years since the construction of Brisbane City Hall commenced in July 1920. It took ten years to build, and was officially opened on 8 April 1930.
The area was a bountiful waterhole for fishing, and nearby Roma Street Parklands were known as a traditional Indigenous tournament ground.
Before 1920, the site of City Hall was used for purposes including horse stables, a roller-skating rink, circuses, animal sales yards, as a council depot and hosted Brisbane’s first roller coaster.
Today, Brisbane City Hall remains the largest city hall in Australia. It covers two acres and comprises 573 rooms and spaces including the Lord Mayor’s office, Council Chambers and Museum of Brisbane.
Over the last century, City Hall has become an icon of community and culture, recognised as “The People’s Place”. This famous architectural landmark is listed with the National Trust and included in the National Estate and the Queensland Heritage Act 1992.
Museum of Brisbane respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which City Hall now stands.