Exhibition changes at Museum of Brisbane:
Gallery 2 will be closed until 2 April 2025 for an exciting new exhibition change;
Quiet Afternoons will now start at 3pm (instead of 2pm) on Tuesdays from this week until 2 April 2025.
Thanks for your understanding, and we look forward to welcoming you soon! To find out more about our visiting hours, click here.




MoB Learn inspires curiosity and creativity for students of all ages with up-to-date curriculum-aligned excursions, incursions and tailored programs.

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Lydia, age 5, Social Distancing. Courtesy the artist and Gallery of Children’s Art (GoCA).

What is Different?

11 Dec 2020 – 31 Jan 2021

Exhibition now closed

A kaleidoscope of colour and ideas, What is Different? is a celebration of the uninhibited creativity of our young people in the face of crisis.

Step into a new perspective on our collective experience in this interactive exhibition full of innovation, humour and heart.

When schools closed during Queensland’s lockdown life became very different for everyone, especially for young people. Children were at home more than usual, routines were different, playdates were cancelled and lessons moved from the classroom to the home. As the coronavirus pandemic began to unfold, the Gallery of Children’s Art (GoCA) asked children across Queensland: “what is different?”. From kindergartens to primary schools, this question prompted students to reflect and respond to their changing global, local and personal situations through art, helping them to express their ideas and emotions.

What is Different? was created in collaboration with Gallery of Children’s Art (GoCA), with the creative support of Inkahoots Design. Museum of Brisbane and GoCA thank all participating artists for their valued work.

Gallery of Children’s Art (GoCA) is a Brisbane-based, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing opportunities for children to create and exhibit their artwork. GoCA acknowledges that children are artists with the capacity to communicate their hopes, fears, ideas and personal experiences in intentional and creative ways.

This event has now ended