



MoB Learn inspires curiosity and creativity for students of all ages with up-to-date curriculum-aligned excursions, incursions and tailored programs.
Secondary School

White Gloves Experience: Second World War

An immersive object handling session with Collection items from the Second World War.

Uncover the stories and history behind Museum of Brisbane’s Collection of original Second World War objects, documents and artworks in this object-based learning experience for history students.

Learn object handling techniques and receive Collection insights from our trained Museum Educators on a curated selection of Second World War artefacts, such as propaganda posters, handbooks, photographs, jewellery, drawings and more.


Collection Object Handling Session (1 hour)
Investigate and handle items from our collection, exploring Brisbane’s history during the Second World War period.

  • Audience

    Grade 10

  • Curriculum Areas


  • Fees

    Excursion (20 students)
     $205 per group*

    Incursion (30 students)
    $375 per group*

    Supervising adults

    *all fees are GST inclusive.

    Learn Assist
    We offer subsidised transport and workshop fees for this program through Learn Assist. Find out if your school is eligible here.

  • Duration

    1 hour

Plan a memorable learning experience

Plan your Learn excursion
Information for teachers and students visiting Museum of Brisbane, including how to get here and what to expect.
Learn Assist
Find out if your school is eligible for subsidised transport and workshop fees through Learn Assist.
Make a booking enquiry
Bookings are essential for excursions and incursions. Make a booking enquiry today!